Hehehehehe~~~~~ Happy day yesterday~~~~ Other than last day of my test but i also spent tym with my CYG and friends...... So fun ee...... We had a lunch at the fudcourt den went solat at the surau n went to shoe shop 2 see some shoes.... Man, im attracted 2 1 of da shoes hahahahaha....... Den da best part was wen i took some picture with my luv d arcade aa...... Hahahahahaha........ Swwweeeetttttt :P:P:P:P N da best part also i beat sidah,my lovable fren main car race hahahahahaha..... Den we went to DQ hehehehe me share with my cyg our ice cream well we share with all our fren but dat tym only 6 of us left cz da rest went hme hehehehe..... After we hanging out at DQ we went home....... Well my cyg drive me home hoho...... On our way home we went to the photocopy shop 2 photocopy our questionare 4 da survey den we went straight home.... Hahahahahaha...... Well, dat was wat i did yest in full details n my english was very2 bad diz tym hahahahahaha...... Hancur bertabur aa.... Kes malas hahahahahaha....... Aytez dat all 4 now......
Friday, 19 December 2008
Yesh yesh yesh....... Test is OVER....... Last test was yesterday.... N meeting assessment was over too~ Good job 2 my assessment group(Syin,Deekay and Simah) Hehehehehe...... But assignment still in my way........ My group and I gonna start our survey 2mrrow ie saturday...... hAhAhA........ N yepz ofcz im happy cz my cyg is in my group hehehehehehehe......... Wahwahwah..... Im so kmvgx ee...... Heehehehehehehehe........
Posted by MsRedz at 20:56 0 comments
Monday, 8 December 2008
Hehehehehe...... Happy laughter.... Hehehe...... I went TA Morgan last thursdy with my cyg hehehe.... Just wanna buy PO buks wahahaha.... Fuyoooo da price made me smile hahaha... Kalau paham bisai.... bUt woRth It plg toh hehehe..... Den we went 4 a lunch sumwhere der plg dun remmbr da name hehehe.... Den we went to da toy shop just liat2 hahahaha... My cyg liat heli n meeeeee biasa ler.... cube n cube n cube hahahahaha...... Obsess sudah hahaha.... Den we go jln2 liat our old primary school n OMG..... Wanna know wat our school was so so so so near.... Jalan kaki less den 10 min smpai hahahahaha....... I just cnt believe it..... Hahahaha..... we go round2 dat area den plan kn balik ITB sx tym2 otw he sed 'k mall mau?' so we went mall just jalan2 jer n bought sum stuff den balik ITB hahahaha..... D ITB we played CS again till 5pm den balik hahahahaha...... Wahwahwah..... Happy ee dat day aa...... Enjoying jo lh hahahahaha...... Sx skala wa round2 hehehehe.....
Posted by MsRedz at 21:14 0 comments
Friday, 5 December 2008
Yesh!!!!! Hahahahaha!!!!!! Happpyyyyy!!!!1
WOOOOHHHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha.......... Kmvgx eeee nyehehehehe....... Marin kmi dpt to sapa2 dgn segroup 4 BE(Business Economic) punya 2nd assignment....... Me 1 group with my CYG hahahahahaha........ Happy nyer hahahahahaha....... So we chose mukim2 yg ada d Tutong aa...... Cz Fizah n Abdre urg KB n Seria so 2 b fair we choose Tutong punya mukim...... Hope2 kmi punya assignment ane done well.... Hehehehe..... Luv my CYG much2......
Posted by MsRedz at 22:07 0 comments
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Today I went mall wa with my cyg n our best buddy Idot~around 11 aa den pusing2 cari parking n ceta2 dlm keta hoho~ Sx ujan tia labat g toh haiya~ Kmi 3 went mall cz kn upgrade my ram lappy aa hehehehe...... So kmi mkn lunch d foodcourt p b4 a2 kmi let2 cd game while Idot tukar cd game nya hoho~ So aftr mkn kmi mbil my lappy den balik~ Around b4 1.15 kmi dh btulak lh so kmi smpai k ITB around 1.20+ So kmi nek k class den tawuz smbhyg hehehe..... Den aftr aftrnoon claz kmi men game hahahahahaha......... Me n my cyg karak men gme x aa hahahahaha esp yg perang2.... Apa2 sja asal kn yg timbak2.... Hahahaha~ So me n my cyg went home around 5+..... So happy ee 2day aa...... Siuk sgt2 nda to napa..... Clazz pun siuk2.... Interesting wa~ Hehehehehe~ Wish mcm ane everyday wa~ Bru best hahahahaha~
Posted by MsRedz at 20:52 0 comments
Wanna know wat happened to me yest? Hehehehe....... My tyre gt pancit wa at school hohohoho..... Luckily went outside for lunch f not dunno wa i gt flat tyre..... Hmmmm....... Den we tried to think wat to do smbil jln k Giant~ Kmi take awy our food dri KFC sx ada probz jo d KFC cashier ny a2 slow den slah mbil order g.... Haiya~ Dh th urg kn gagas p ia lmbt g dah 2 nda g pndai paham toh urg ckp...... Hmmmmpppphhhhhh~ P itz ok lh cz ia pun still training n nervous wa toh cz customer g ramai harharhar dah a2~ Apaknz???????? Hehehehe...... So, back to my story...... Den kmi pikir2 rh sapa kn minta tolong~ mla2 kn minta tolong rh security den tanya2 kwn(My cyg plg yg tanya kn toh hehehehe :$) p mostly nda brani den pikir punya pikir jumpa c Arif Faisal..... Kmi(Me n cyg) tanya ia sx ktany 'bh ok ee.... Dmna?' Den we sed d ITB.... Dat tym nyaman rsa ati hahahaha...... So sdh d ITB,cek suma jack n spare tyre..... Everythng ok so kmi plan aftr clazz bru usai since tym msa toh 1.30 sdh hehehe...... Den i called my abg sodara 2 help tampal da tyre n everything settle b4 4..... Den kmi ceta2 g rh parking lot n my cyg owez with me... Hahahaha..... Den went hme with spare tyre dat only can drive max speed of 80km/h so i only drive 60km/h.... Imagine hw slow it was hahahaha..... But fun jua drive slow mcm a2.... Peaceful rsa nya harharhar..... My cyg escort smpai k rmh hahaha~ SAAAAAAYYYYYYAAAAAANNNNNNNGGGGGGG CYG~ Hehehehe~ Den dlm 1 min smpai ada tia my abg sodara dtg ntar tyre den pasang balik~ Wah panjg ee ceta aa.... Hahahaha...... Just wanna say THANX TO MY CYG 4 OWEZ B BESIDE ME~ LUV U OWEZ~
Posted by MsRedz at 20:20 0 comments
Friday, 28 November 2008
Ok im dne with uploading da picture.... Now i wanna talk bout my test..... Hahahahah~ Test kmi start suk aa...... Suk kmi test B.L(Business Law) den 13th ane test P.O(People and Organization) Den bila g aa test ane~ Kira kn blan 12 neh test saja lh kmi....... BIS(Business Information System) g, MKT(Marketing) g, B.S(Business Statistics) g, B.A(Business Accounting) g, B.E(Business Economic) g p ane assignment x, C.O pun assignment x...... Haiya~ Nda th t update x ne my blog hahahahaha~
Posted by MsRedz at 18:53 0 comments

Again n again...

Again n again n again.....
Again n again n again n again....... Hahahahaha~ Suka saya bh hahahahahaha :P Smart wa kmi dua toh.... lol~ Jgn mare~

Posted by MsRedz at 18:23 0 comments
Blazer ITB kuh~

Syinn,Me,Faisal aka MrF,Fizah n Saiful Badri hahaha.

MrF n MsF wawawa
Posted by MsRedz at 17:33 0 comments
Friday, 21 November 2008
20th November 2008
We WaTcHeD MoViE aGaIn..... QuArEnTiNe~ HeH lUrUs kA tOh EjAnYa ToH? HaHaHaHa WhO cArEs~B4 dat kmi lunch dlu d Ideal hehehehehehehe~ Anyway, im having a great tym hahahaha........ So fun wa~ Even kna ujan tym damam2 bt atleast with him~ He was der to protect me from kna ujan n let him wet bcoz of me~ Hahahahahaha~ lol im blushing now kekekekekeke~ Swwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttt~ Hmmmmm~ We watched movie together with Syinn, Sui sin, Ja Lin and Aidil~ Wah sorry f salah spell ur name hehehehe~ Syinn felt dizzy liat dat wyg hahahahahaha n i was laughing n laughing watching da movie while some of da pepz screaming~ Cheh~ Hehehehehe~ Den after movie we go home tarus cz dat tym sdh around 6 hahahahaha~ Movie abish around 5.50pm hehehehe~ We were running again k kreta hahahahaha~
Posted by MsRedz at 18:08 0 comments
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
18th Nov 2008
Posted by MsRedz at 20:40 0 comments
15th Nov 2008
Wah happy ee cz dapat solve my first cube hahahahahahahahaha~ Sekadar~ lol~
Posted by MsRedz at 20:28 0 comments
14th Nov 2008
Dis is da best day of my lyf x aa~ Hehehehe~ ITB'ans tau ne napa hahahaha~ Yg cloz dgn me plg saja 2~ Hahahahaha~ Well me n my classmate went to mall n watchd movie together~ Hahaha~ Madagascar2..... Luckily i can go cz it was a great movie n i laugh till my heart out hahahahaha..... Apaknz~ Anyway den aftr movie we went to McD n dat moment was SO SO IMPORTANT AND MEANINGFUL AND EVERYTHING LAH HAHAHAHAHA~ Wah malu2 tia plg ku nah hahahahahaha~ But it change everything lh in my lyf hehehehe...... WANNA KNOW WAT HAPPEN? Hahahahahaha~ Tau tau sendirilah~ Den we went home around 8+ hehehehe~
Posted by MsRedz at 19:37 0 comments
6th Nov 2008
Waaaahhhhh, bri mlu ee cz Sidah toh mention bout us rh presentation nya aa.... Haiya~ Dat gurl aa bri mlu ee~ Hohohoho~ Adaka patut mcm nada example len g kn d bgi nya hahahahaha~ Tawa~ Suka~ lol...... :P
Posted by MsRedz at 19:27 0 comments
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Bowh mcm ada yg nda nmpk text ku a2 hahahaha...... Apa2 pun ku retyp lh huhu..... Erm apa kta ku tdi 2 aa...... Erm, owh kta ku ' jahat aku aaa..... jgn mrh beshpren.....' Hahahahahaha............
Posted by MsRedz at 22:17 0 comments
Fizah kmvgx....... Hehehehehhehe.......... bHaPa Ko 2 aA?
Hehehehehe..... Mcm nda phm saja kbr ku ko btany kabar toh hehe...... Ermmmmmm apa g kn ku ckp kn aa???????????? Hmmmmmmmmmm......... AKU BORENGX.............. Hahahahahahahahahahaahaha...... btw wat dd u do to atiqx aa??????????? U dd sumthing bad aa....... Very2 bad aaaaa........ Hehehehehehehehe.................... OWH BTW LIVERPOOL WIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA................... Jahat aku toh hohoho...... Jgn mrh beshpren kuh hoho.........
Posted by MsRedz at 22:05 0 comments
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Thankz 2 FizahMZ yg nyuruh buat diz blog hahahaha.... Kes majal n saja kn mempost bnyk2 hahahahaha...... Testing aa kekekekeke..........
Posted by MsRedz at 00:13 0 comments
Apakn ne~
Damn it...... How 2 change dis blog puny language kn? Mental jo alai toh bhasa ny yg pyah d phami aa..... Hahahahahha.......
Posted by MsRedz at 00:11 0 comments
Hari Raya celebration @ ITB
Today got Hari Raya celebration at ITB haha.... N our dept theme colour s purple...... Wah wah..... We xperience a lots dat afternoon...... So funny n enjoying hahaha....... Bt sadly nda ramai yg dtg aa.... Cheh~ Siuk udah hahahaha........
Posted by MsRedz at 00:07 0 comments
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Bout me~
Hahahahahaha........................ Ola~
Im Hjh Fatin aka MsRedz...... Im 19th n still school or should I say Mahasiswi hahahaahaha..... Apaknz.......... Im one of da ITB'an.... N im proud 2 b in dat institute hahahaha..... Kna naik taraf sudah x aa hahahahahahaha...... lol......... Bh i update dis next tym hahahahaha.......
Posted by MsRedz at 21:51 0 comments