Hello readers, here I ask for your sugestion on what movies should I watch...... Its either and old movie or not..... Any genre, as long as it is interesting and not racist as well as not harming others hehehehhe........ Thanks for your feedback and I appreciate it...... You can give me a long list of it, I don't mind :D
Thank you.
MsRedz :D
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Posted by MsRedz at 16:16 0 comments
26th December, 2010
Good afternoon everybody :D Hehehehe..... Its 4.03pm here..... Hehehehe.... Anyway, I went window shopping with my sis, well actually I helped her to look for a window airconditioner.... Her old one already broke down.... While surveying those air-conditioner I went to look for TV sets, DVD player, Blu-ray, etc..... Hahahaha.....
Then, we went to a restaurant to have some late lunch then went back home.... So, here I am start to blog again..... N still got no idea what to type so I just babbling about what I did......
Owh yea, Im gonna be at my Uni tomorrow as what I told u guys again and again heheheheh.... Owh yae, I just got a news last nyt that my cousins from Malaysia will be visiting us on January.... It still a plan though but yea I hope they make it hehehe.... I miss my cousins since i haven't met them for like more than 10 years..... I know its a very very long time but Im happy than we can contact each other and thanks to Facebook because we can contact through there :D I even can find my old classmate from primary school and all :D Hahahaha.....
On the other side of the story, I haven't watch any movie today and still looking for what Im gonna watch...... Hmmmmm...... Well, I got this idea what to make my blog interesting is Im gonna ask some question and ask for feedback so from there I know that my blog been read, right? :D Atleast I try hahahaha :D
Posted by MsRedz at 16:03 0 comments
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Today, Saturday~
Ola readers.... Hopefully there s somewho read my blog hahahaha..... Anyway, today I attend my uncle's wedding :D Hahahaha..... Yea today is Christmas and congratulation to my cousin for their first born baby boy :D Wow, its a big and enjoyable news to her family :D Again, congratulation..... So, I went with my elder sis to buy some gifts hehehehehe.....
Now, back to me..... Hahahaha..... I didn't watch any movie for today, I mean not yet but i don't know about later, due to been busy to be here and there..... I got home at 3pm then fell asleep (hohoho.....) then woke up at 4ish to pick my grandma from her shop and went to supermarket then back home.... Yea believe it or not, thats what I do everyday (except for the part that I sleep and to the supermarket. hahahaha....) Well, during in University, I always finish at 4 and sometime at 4.30pm, so I usually pick my grandma after I finish my lecture.... But f I finish earlier, I usually went home first.... The trip form my house to the Uni will take about 20 mins or more.... It also depends on the traffic and weather :D F its raining obviously you have to drive a bit slower than your usual speed, right? ;D Now i will miss the study environment there...... Owh well, I'm gonna be there this monday though to settle up my leaving certificate and all.....
Yep, I guess thats the end of my story at the moment so see ya :)
Posted by MsRedz at 17:07 0 comments
Friday, 24 December 2010
I just finished watching another National Treasure movie.... I mean the 1st one.... Hahahaha.... I love to watch this kind of movie; puzzles, clues, riddles, etc.... Its really interesting.... Other than that I also enjoy watching horror movie, sci-fi, action, cartoons and fantasy..... For example Harry Potter, Tron, daredevil, shrek, etc..... Anyway, talk about movies, there will be more upcoming movie for next year that I just can't wait to watch.... Such as Thor, Kung Fu Panda, Harry Potter (the most) and Pirates of the Caribbean and lots and lots more..... Just can't wait..... Anyway, I am gonna continue to mare some more movies now which I still don't have any in mind currently hahahaha.... For sure Armageddon and Blade are on the list hahahahaha..... ;D
Posted by MsRedz at 22:37 0 comments
Post post post~~
Ola everyone..... Yep, post for today..... Well well, i watched National Treasure 2 today.... Hahahaha yes, another movie.... Well, like i told u ive got nothing to do..... But this late afternoon i washed my car.... Yes, I know its been raining today.... I just wanted to wash it since i haven't done it like a month now..... Poor car but what to do its been raining like everyday this month..... But now its clean..... :D Hmmmmm, then again got nothing to do so i watched videos from YouTube.... Lots and lots of it... Thats mainly what I do everyday until I don't know what else to watch.... Today videos are all about cars.... Different type of cars and mainly the expensive one.... Hahahahaha..... I love the speed, the sound, the body, etc.... To tell you the truth, I love cars... I usually change thought and share info bout cars with my dad whenever we have time hahahaha..... I love antique car as well u see..... The ruged one ofcourse hahahahaha..... U can say I am abit of a dreamer but its not wrong to dream anything, right? Anyway, I don't know what else to share. I hope i have some later so till then.... See ya :D
Posted by MsRedz at 18:59 0 comments
Thursday, 23 December 2010

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole

House of Flying Daggers
Posted by MsRedz at 20:45 0 comments
Its start to rain again..... Hohohohoh..... Well, its Decembar after all..... Anyway, been busy this morning been here and there but not in the afternoon though hehehe.... So i just sit at home reading some comic and listen to music such as Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, Chopin, etc.... Oh, not to forget Vanessa Mae hohohoho :D and some other music too.... This gonna be a long holiday for some of us. Owh, im gonna be at ITB this Monday, InsyaAllah if theres nothing in a way...... Gonna take my transcript with my freinds and settle the leaving certificate and ask bout the graduation robe (YAY~~) ofcourse hahahaha..... Hmmmmm, 1 day has past with nothing much to do wanna play some games but nothing interesting hahahaha..... Luckily i have this laptop and internet at home..... Atleast i can browse something hahahaha..... How i wish i can make money out of this..... Well, i dunno much on how to blog ather than babling about myself and what i do hahahaha.... And put some picture which i didnt for a while now.... Hahahaha.... What else should I talk about huh?? Hmmmmm...... I will think bout it later hahahaha....
Posted by MsRedz at 20:35 0 comments
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Its been a while
Salam n ola.... Its been a while yea.... Hahahaha.... Hmmm...... Now im having my long holiday after my FINAL YEAR in ITB. Alhamdulillah i manage to GET THROUGH my LAST SEMESTER even its been like HELL hahahaha..... Anyway, im thinking to find some work after this and hoping that i end up with a nice one..... AMIN~~ Hahahaha.... Any1 wish that too,right? Yea, i got nothing much to say now?? I just miss my blog so much now n hope to always update it since most of my time now listening to music and playing sudoku.... Hahahaha..... Well, thats all for now i guess.. Till next time :D
Posted by MsRedz at 14:17 0 comments